Author Archives: Luke

When to Sell Penny Stocks

Penny Stocks can be a very effective way to provide you with a secondary income. They can be used to create passive income because they do not require you to be constantly watching over them. The problem that most people have when it comes to stocks is – not knowing the right time to sell. Penny Stocks can rise very quickly but they can also fall quickly too. The reason that most investors hold onto a stock is because the fail to separate their emotions from their […]

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What Are Penny Stocks

Strictly speaking, penny stocks are stocks that the beginning investor, in many cases, can actually afford to purchase. You discover that penny stocks are especially in new or up and coming companies or companies that are on their last leg and treading water. This doesn’t mean that even those companies that have fallen off the big lists aren’t worthy investments, all the same they have been known to pick themselves up, reinvent themselves, and find themselves back on the big lists. For the sake of this article […]

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Penny Stocks: Turn Your Pennies Into Dollars

We’ve all heard about the investor how bragged about his 100% or 1000% return on a stock or about the guy who made it rich by investing in small caps, undiscovered stocks that made it big. In theory, it seems to be too easy. Invest in a couple of penny stocks, then sell them when they move up. Unfortunately, it is too easy. Too easy to lose money unless you know what to look for. First, lets have a look at what types of companies trade on […]

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Penny Stocks: Beyond the Pump and Dump

Penny Stocks can be a great investment, but you have to know what to look for, or sometimes more accurately, what to look out for. Buying Penny Stocks based on a recent email you received, or what you heard from someone you barely know, is not usually a good idea. Penny Stocks have historically been a source of wealth for many investors, but conversely have been the source of countless lost small fortunes. Determining what is good advice, mixed with all the hype, can sometimes be a […]

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Penny Stocks and the Investments

Recently, investors commence sharing in the penny stocks. This action occurred especially after investors began to realize that they had the ability to invest chump change in a selection of companies. In short, investors could invest a few pennies or dollars in small companies around the United States. Since Forex and the stock market exchange industry has higher risks many newcomers to the stock market will invest in penny stocks. Penny stocks allow investors to put up five bucks and potentially win $25. If the investors lost […]

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Looking to Get Started With Penny Stocks

If you are looking are thinking that Penny Stocks are a “Get Rich Quick Scheme“, I’m sorry to disappoint you. Although great fortunes can be made from penny stocks, people can also lose everything they invest in Penny Stocks. The most important investment you can make at the start of your investment career is to invest in education. Why Education and not stock? Diving head first into the stock market is a great way of losing your money which is why we don’t recommend it. The best […]

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Beginners Information About Trading Penny Stocks Online

Since writing about trading penny stocks online over at my blog, I received several emails about the subject and it seems to have generated a good deal of interest. People have been trading stocks online since the very early days of the internet, and nowadays it is a simple matter for anyone who decides they want to get involved to start online trading. However, there are several things you should be aware of before deciding to start trading stocks, not least of which is that it is […]

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What are the Risks of Trading Penny Stocks

You will hear about all kinds of risks that are taken when playing the stock market game. There are high-risk stocks and investments along with many low risk mutual funds and everything in between. When it comes to high-risk investment options, penny stocks often top the charts as some of the highest risks you will find in investment circles. Of course, they also offer some of the highest yield of any other stocks as well because the prices start so low and the sky is literally the […]

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5 Tips for Investing in Penny Stocks

Investing in penny stocks provides traders with the opportunity to dramatically increase their profits, however, it also provides an equal opportunity to lose your trading capital quickly. These 5 tips will help you lower the risk of one of the riskiest investment vehicles. 1. Penny Stocks are a penny for a reason. While we all dream about investing in the next Microsoft or the next Home Depot, the truth is, the odds of you finding that once in a decade success story are slim. These companies are […]

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Are Penny Stocks for You?

Penny stocks are definitely risks that are better suited for the investor that likes to go skydiving, skinny-dipping, and bungee jumping. Of course even a few more conservative investors will find some attraction in the low risk promise of hefty payouts that the right penny stock can offer. In fact, many investors dream of being the one to find that perfect penny stock with absolute potential that will someday become the next LDDS turned WorldCom before the fall. The truth is that little businesses become big businesses […]

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